Unakoti Hills Location Route Time History Visiting Timings

Know the details about the Unakoti Hills Location Route Time History Visiting Timings, Unakoti Hills Location Route Time History Procedure

Distances from Unakoti to the nearest airport in Agartala are 178 kilometres; from the district capital of Kailashahar, 8 kilometres; and from Silchar, 148 kilometres. Dharmanagar Railway Station on the Lumding-Sabroom line is the closest station, located 19.6 kilometres away. The drive time from Dharmanagar station in a vehicle is around 30-40 minutes. It is now considerably simpler to go about the country from the capital city of Agartala.

There is a train that leaves Agartala in the morning and arrives at Dharmanagar before 10 o’clock. In the evening, at about 8, the train from Dharmanagar would have arrived in Agartala. The location has been ignored for centuries, which has resulted in the rock art’s deterioration and the loss of a significant amount of its original magnitude. It has been designated as a historic site by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), which has led to a minor improvement in the status; nonetheless, there is still a significant amount of work to be done, including major excavation.

Unakoti Hills Location Route Time History Visiting Timings

The sculptural symbol and ancient Shaivite site known as Unakoti (Bengali pronunciation: [unkoi]), also known as Angkor Wat of the North-East, is a location that accommodates rock carvings figures and pictures of gods and goddesses. Unakoti is spoken in Bengali as [unkoi]. It is a site of devotion that honours Shiva and has large rock reliefs depicting him. Unakoti is a Hindi and Bengali word that literally translates to “one minus one crore” or “koti.” In the native language of the Kokborok people, this place is referred to as Subrai Khung.

It has not yet been acknowledged as a UNESCO world heritage site, but it is the most popular tourist destination in the Unakoti District of the Kailashahar Subdivision in the state of Tripura, which is located in the northeastern part of India. This will occur in 2022. Unakoti is referred to as the “Angkor Wat of the North-East” in the name of the temple that is located in Cambodia known as Angkor Wat. One of the hills in the Raghunandan region of Tripura is where these sculptures were cut out. It is often believed that there are around ninety-nine lakh ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine idols hidden across this area.

History Of The Unakoti Hills

Lord Shiva is connected to the amazing tale of Unakoti, which took place in ancient India. On his route to Kashi, it is said that Lord Shiva stopped here for the night and spent the night here in this precise area. As a result of the fact that he was accompanied by 9999999 gods and goddesses, which is one less than a crore, he was given the name Unakoti, which literally means “one less than a crore.”

It is stated that there is one less than a crore of rock-cut engravings present in this area, which gives the name Unakoti its meaning. According to Hindu legend, Lord Shiva spent the night at this spot while he was on his way to Kashi with one billion gods and goddesses. When he was there, he stopped here for the night.

Unakoti Hills Location Route Time History Procedure And Details

Figures etched into the rock and pictures cut into stone are the two categories of images that may be discovered in Unakoti. Among the rock-cut sculptures, the colossal Ganesha statues and the head of Shiva that is located in the centre merit particular note. The embroidered headdress that tops the centre Shiva head, known as Unakotiswara Kal Bhairava, is itself 10 feet tall, making the total height of the whole structure around 30 feet.

There are two life-size female figurines located on each side of the headdress that is worn by the centre Shiva image. One of these statues depicts Durga riding a lion, while the other depicts another female figure. In addition to this, three gigantic statues of the Nandi Bull have been discovered half-buried in the earth. In Unakoti, you may find a wide variety of pictures carved out of stone as well as rock.

How to Go to the Unakoti Hills

  • If You’re Traveling by Plane, the Kailashahar Airport is Located Only 10 Kilometers Away
  • While travelling by train, the Dharmanagar Railway Station is 20 kilometres away.
  • By Road: Kailashahar Bus Stand – 11 kilometres

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This is the complete details about Unakoti Hills Location Route Time History Visiting Timings


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