Shri Siddhivinayak Laddu Cost Details

Know More About The Shri Siddhivinayak Laddu Cost Details, Laddu Online Booking Details, Prasadam Counter Timings, And More

Shri Siddhivinayak Laddu Cost Details, Laddu Online Booking Details, Prasadam Counter Timings, And More

The Shri Siddhivinayak Temple, located in Mumbai, is one of India’s most revered and popular temples. Dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the temple attracts millions of devotees each year. Apart from its religious significance, the temple is also known for its delicious prasadam, particularly the famous Siddhivinayak Laddu. In this article, we will explore the cost details of the laddu, online booking options, prasadam counter timings, other prasadam offerings, the best time to visit the temple, and contact details.

Shri Siddhivinayak Laddu Cost Details

The Siddhivinayak Laddu is considered a sacred offering to Lord Ganesha. Devotees eagerly wait to taste this delectable sweet. The cost of a single Siddhivinayak Laddu is INR 10. It is important to note that the laddus are available only at the temple premises and cannot be purchased from any other location.

Laddu Online Booking Details

Due to the temple’s immense popularity, devotees often face long queues to get a glimpse of Lord Ganesha and seek his blessings. To provide convenience to devotees, the Shri Siddhivinayak Temple offers an online booking facility for laddus. By booking the laddus online, devotees can save time and avoid waiting in line. The online booking can be done through the official temple website, and the laddus can be collected from the temple’s prasadam counter by presenting the booking confirmation.

Prasadam Counter Timings

The prasadam counter at the Shri Siddhivinayak Temple operates from morning till late evening, ensuring that devotees have ample time to collect their prasadam. The counter opens at 7:00 AM and remains open until 9:30 PM, allowing devotees to visit the temple at their convenience and collect their laddus and other prasadam offerings.

More Prasadam Lists and Costs

While the Siddhivinayak Laddu is the most sought-after prasadam at the temple, there are other delicious offerings available as well. Some of the popular prasadam items include Modak, Pedha, and Churma Laddu. The cost of these prasadam items ranges from INR 10 to INR 50, depending on the type and quantity. Devotees can choose from a variety of prasadam options and take home the divine blessings along with the delectable sweets.

Best Time to Visit the Temple

The Shri Siddhivinayak Temple witnesses a massive influx of devotees throughout the year. However, there are certain times when the temple experiences higher footfall. If you wish to avoid crowds and have a peaceful darshan, it is advisable to visit the temple on weekdays, preferably during the early morning or late evening hours. This will ensure a more serene and unhurried experience.

Finding serene moments at Shree Siddhivinayak depends on your preference. Crave quietude? Aim for weekdays before 10:45 AM or between 1:30-4 PM. Seek vibrant prayer? Evenings (except Tuesdays) or Kakad Aarti at dawn offer a bustling atmosphere. Remember, Tuesdays and weekends see larger crowds. Choose wisely!

Contact Details

For any inquiries or assistance, you can reach out to the Shri Siddhivinayak Temple authorities through the following contact details:

Address: Prabhadevi, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Phone: +91-22-2422 4438 / 2422 0847



The Shri Siddhivinayak Temple is not only a place of worship but also a hub of culinary delights. The Siddhivinayak Laddu, along with other prasadam offerings, is a must-try for every devotee. With the convenience of online booking and extended prasadam counter timings, the temple ensures that devotees have a seamless experience. So, plan your visit to the Shri Siddhivinayak Temple, savor the divine prasadam, and seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

This Is All The Information About The Shri Siddhivinayak Laddu Cost Details

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