Konark Temple Light Sound Show Timings

Learn More Details About The Konark Temple Light Sound Show Timings, Costs, Signifiances, Dates, History, And Contact Info Are Given Below

Konark Temple Light Sound Show Timings, Costs, History, And More Are Given

The Konark Sun Temple, an architectural marvel nestled in Odisha, not only captivates visitors during the day but also transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle under the night sky through the Konark Temple Light and Sound Show. This audio-visual extravaganza unveils the rich history and cultural significance of the temple in a unique and captivating manner. In this article, we delve into the details of the Konark Temple Light and Sound Show, exploring its timings, costs, significance, dates, historical context, and essential contact information for those eager to experience this immersive journey through time.

Konark Temple Light Sound Show Timings

Timings of Light and Sound Show

The Konark Temple Light and Sound Show is a nocturnal delight that enchants visitors with its storytelling prowess. The show is typically held in the evening, allowing attendees to witness the temple’s grandeur bathed in subtle lights. As of the latest information available:

  • Show Timings: The show generally starts around 6:30 PM during winters and 7:30 PM during summers.
  • Duration: The duration of the show is approximately 35 to 40 minutes.

It’s important to note that show timings may be subject to change, and visitors are advised to check for updates and any seasonal adjustments.

Costs Associated

To partake in the Konark Temple Light and Sound Show, attendees are required to purchase tickets. The costs associated with the show may vary based on factors such as age, nationality, and the category of seating. As of the latest information:

  • Ticket Costs:
    • Indian Adults: ₹50 per person
    • Indian Children (5 to 12 years): ₹25 per person
    • Foreign Nationals: ₹250 per person
  • Seating Categories:
    • Regular Seating
    • VIP Seating (if available)
    • Special Enclosures (if available)

Visitors are encouraged to check with the on-site ticket counter for the most up-to-date information on costs and seating options.

Significance Of the Light And Sound Show

  1. Historical Narration:
    • The Light and Sound Show serves as an educational experience, narrating the historical background of the Konark Sun Temple. Attendees are taken on a journey through time, understanding the temple’s creation, cultural context, and the stories depicted in its intricate carvings.
  2. Cultural Appreciation:
    • The show accentuates the cultural and artistic significance of the Konark Sun Temple. It sheds light on the architectural brilliance of the temple and its role in preserving India’s classical heritage.
  3. Spiritual Connection:
    • With evocative narration and carefully synchronized lighting effects, the show creates a spiritual ambiance. It allows visitors to connect with the divine essence of the temple and appreciate its sanctity.
  4. Nighttime Illumination:
    • The Light and Sound Show transforms the temple into a radiant masterpiece during the night. Illuminated sculptures and carvings come to life, offering a breathtaking view of the temple’s architectural details.

Dates Of The Konark Temple Light And Sound Show

The Konark Temple Light and Sound Show is a year-round attraction, offering visitors the opportunity to witness the temple’s splendor after sunset. The show operates on a regular basis, and attendees can enjoy the spectacle on most evenings.

Historical Context Of The Konark Temple

The Konark Sun Temple, built in the 13th century by King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty, is dedicated to the sun god Surya. The temple is designed in the shape of a colossal chariot, with intricately carved wheels and sculptures depicting various aspects of life, mythology, and religious practices.

Despite the main sanctum being in ruins, the surviving structures showcase the architectural brilliance of ancient India. The erotic sculptures, symbolizing the union of male and female energies, are a distinctive feature of the temple. The Konark Temple stands as a testament to the artistic, cultural, and spiritual legacy of the region.

Contact Information

  1. Tourism Office (Odisha):
  2. On-Site Ticket Counter (Konark Sun Temple):
    • The on-site ticket counter is operational during temple hours for walk-in bookings and information.


Visiting the Konark Temple and witnessing its magnificent light and sound show is an experience that will leave a lasting impression. The combination of history, spirituality, and architectural brilliance makes it a must-visit destination for both domestic and international travelers. Plan your trip to Konark and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of this ancient wonder.

This Is All About Konark Temple Light Sound Show Timings      

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