Sun Temple Chhath Puja Cost Time Location Procedure

Know the details about Sun Temple Chhath Puja Cost Time Location Procedure, Sun Temple Chhath Puja Cost Time Location Details

As an expression of thanks to the deity of the sun, the Chhath Puja, which is also known as Surya Shashti, is observed. On the sixth day of the Kartik month of the Hindu Lunar calendar, which roughly corresponds to the months of October and November on the Gregorian calendar, this festival is observed.

Devotees observe a fast of thirty-six hours in order to show their devotion to the Sun deity during the Chhath Puja festival. The Chhath Puja is a festival that lasts for four days, and on each of those days, participants adhere to a distinct set of rituals. It is customary for the person who conducts the Chhath Puja to sleep on the floor.

Sun Temple Chhath Puja Cost Time Location Procedure

The Konark Sun Temple is a Sun temple that was built in the 13th century CE, which corresponds to the year 1250. The temple is located in Konark, which is around 35 kilometers (22 miles) northeast of Puri city on the coastline in the Puri district of Odisha, India. In the year 1250 of the common era, King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty is credited with building the temple.

What is left of the temple complex gives the appearance of a chariot that is 100 feet (30 meters) high and is dedicated to the Hindu sun god Surya. The chariot includes enormous wheels and horses that have all been carved from stone. The enormous shikhara tower that stood above the sanctuary was once considerably taller than the mandapa that is still standing, but it has since fallen into ruin along with the rest of the temple. Its original height was more than 61 meters or over 200 feet.

The buildings and features that have been preserved are renowned for their exquisite artwork, iconography, and ideas, some of which include sexually suggestive kama and mithuna scenarios. It is also known as the Surya Devalaya, and it is regarded as a prime example of the Odisha style of architecture or the Kalinga style of architecture.

History Of The Temple

According to several traditions, King Ela of Prayaga (also known as Allahabad) was afflicted with leprosy. Suddenly, on a beautiful day, King Ela drew close to the temple of the sun in Deo, and while he was there, he requested his supporter for some water to drink. A loyal supporter of the King went to a nearby pond and brought back some water. Once King Ela drank the water, an instantaneous miracle took place.

The droplets of pond water that landed on the King’s body healed leprosy that had been present in those specific regions. The King was taken aback, and he proceeded to the pond. He then bathed himself in the water of the pond, and his illness (leprosy) was healed.

Sun Temple Chhath Puja Cost Time Location Procedure And Details

The first day of the Chhath Puja is known as Nahai Khai, which literally translates to “Wash and Eat.”

  • Create a prasad using the water from the sacred river.
  • On a burner made of mud, bronze, or earthenware utensils should be used to cook or prepare the Prasad.
  • Should limit yourself to only one meal every day (kaddu-bhat).

The second day of the Chhath Puja fast, also known as the Kharna or Lohanda Nirjala vrath (Fast whole day without water)

  • Rasiao-kheer, fruits, puris, or rotis are all components of the Prasad.
  • After this puja, especially women would fast for a period of 36 hours.
  • Chhath is the name given to the third day of the Chhath Puja ceremony.

Take note that the Kosi ritual is carried out on the third day of the Chhath puja.

(Kosi is mainly honored in the homes of those people who have just become parents or been married.)

  • Kosi: a party that lasts for one day
  • a covering made of five sugarcane stalks is lit from below, and earthen lamps are lit and set there to represent sun energy.
  • Evenings are spent on the banks of the river when the Sanjhiya Arghya ceremony is carried out.
    Preparations are being made for the puja offerings, which include the thekua, the coconut, the banana, and any other fruits that are in season.
  • Keeping all of these puja gifts on a bamboo tray allows for easier transport to the temple where they will be presented to the Sun deity.
  • The ladies, known as pavitrins, present an arghya sacrifice to the setting sun on the riverbanks while reciting the Gayatri mantra. Their sarees are yellow with turmeric.

On the fourth day of the Chhath Puja, devotees gather on the riverbanks before daybreak for the Paarun or Bihaniya Arghya.

  • At the time of sunrise, present the Sun deity with bhog and prasad.
  • After the puja, worshippers would break their fast with ginger and sugar.

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This is the complete details about Sun Temple Chhath Puja Cost Time Location Procedure.

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