Shrine History Inside Padmanabhaswamy Temple

Learn More Details About The Shrine History Inside Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Architecture, Regulations, Cost, Festivals, Contact Information, And More

Shrine History Inside Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Fascinating Architecture, Regulations, Cost, And More Given

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple, located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is renowned for its architectural grandeur, religious significance, and the hidden treasures it holds. This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Padmanabha, a form of Lord Vishnu, and attracts devotees worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing history of the shrine inside the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, explore its magnificent architecture, regulations, cost, and festivals, and provide contact information for those interested in visiting.

Shrine History Inside Padmanabhaswamy Temple

The History Of The Shrine

It is believed to have been built by the rulers of the Chera dynasty and later renovated by various kings and rulers. The temple holds immense historical and cultural significance, with references to it found in ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita and the Skanda Purana.

Padmanabhaswamy Temple stands as a masterpiece of Dravidian and Kerala architectural styles. The towering gopuram, intricate carvings, and expansive corridors captivate visitors, offering a visual feast transcending time. The temple’s architecture reflects the cultural fusion of the region, showcasing the artistic brilliance of the craftsmen who dedicated themselves to its construction.

  1. Gopuram: The temple’s entrance features a towering gopuram adorned with intricate sculptures and vibrant paintings. The gopuram serves as a monumental gateway, inviting devotees into the sacred precincts of the temple.
  2. Corridors: The spacious corridors surrounding the inner sanctum are adorned with detailed carvings and sculptures depicting mythological tales. These corridors, known as prakarams, provide a serene pathway for devotees to circumambulate the sanctum sanctorum.
  3. Sreebali: The sanctum sanctorum houses the main deity, Lord Padmanabhaswamy, in the Anantha Sayanam posture. The deity is adorned with intricate jewelry and silk garments during the ceremonial processions known as Sreebali.

The Architectural Marvel

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a masterpiece of Dravidian architecture, known for its intricate carvings, towering gopurams (entrance towers), and majestic pillars. The temple complex spans over an area of several acres and consists of multiple mandapams (halls), courtyards, and shrines.

The main shrine, where the deity Lord Padmanabha resides, is a sight to behold. The idol of Lord Padmanabha is depicted in a reclining posture on the serpent Adi Shesha. The idol is made of a unique combination of 12008 saligramams (sacred stones) and various other materials.

The temple’s architecture also showcases elements of the Kerala style, with its sloping roofs, wooden carvings, and mural paintings. The intricate stone carvings depict scenes from Hindu mythology, showcasing the artistic brilliance of the craftsmen of that era.

Regulations And Cost

Visitors to the Padmanabhaswamy Temple are required to adhere to certain regulations to maintain the sanctity and security of the premises. Non-Hindus are not allowed inside the main shrine, but they can explore other areas of the temple complex. Dress codes are strictly enforced, with men and women required to wear traditional attire.

Entry to the temple is free, but donations for the temple’s maintenance and development are accepted. Devotees can also contribute to various charitable activities run by the temple trust. The temple’s immense wealth is primarily used for the welfare of the community and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Festivals And Celebrations

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is known for its vibrant festivals and celebrations. The annual festival of Alpashy, which falls in October or November, is the most significant event. The temple comes alive with elaborate processions, music, dance performances, and traditional rituals. The Arattu festival, held in March or April, is another major celebration where the idol of Lord Padmanabha is taken in a grand procession to the nearby Shanghumukham Beach for a ceremonial bath.

Other festivals celebrated at the temple include Navaratri, Vishu, and Janmashtami. These festivals attract a large number of devotees who come to seek the blessings of Lord Padmanabha and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Kerala.

Contact Information

For those interested in visiting the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, here is the contact information:

Address: East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Phone: +91-0471 2450233


It is advisable to check the temple’s website or contact them directly for any updates on visiting hours, special events, or any other relevant information before planning your visit.

In conclusion

the Padmanabhaswamy Temple stands as a testament to the rich history, architectural brilliance, and religious significance of Kerala. Its hidden treasures, awe-inspiring architecture, and vibrant festivals make it a must-visit destination for devotees and history enthusiasts alike. Plan your visit to this magnificent shrine and immerse yourself in the divine aura and cultural heritage it offers.

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