Kamakhya Temple Chambers History Significance

Learn More Details About The Kamakhya Temple Chambers History Significance, Puja List, Costs, Timings, And More Info Are Given Below

Kamakhya Temple Chambers History Significance,Timings, Costs, And More Information Are Given Below 

The Kamakhya Temple, situated atop the Nilachal Hill in Guwahati, Assam, is one of the most respected and old Shakti Peethas in India. This temple dedicated to the Goddess Kamakhya holds immense historical, cultural, and religious significance. Let us delve into the depths of its history, explore its rituals and timings, and understand the puja list and associated costs.

Kamakhya Temple Chambers History Significance   

Historical Tapestry of Temple Chambers

  • Garbhagriha (Sanctum Sanctorum):

The heart of Kamakhya Temple lies in its Garbhagriha, the sanctum sanctorum that houses the revered Yoni-shaped stone representing Goddess Kamakhya. This sacred chamber is the focal point of devotion and is surrounded by an aura of mysticism and reverence. Pilgrims gather here to seek the divine blessings of the goddess.

  • Calanta (Lower) Kamakhya:

Adjacent to the main sanctum is the Calanta Kamakhya, the lower chamber where the goddess is believed to move during the annual Ambubachi Mela. Devotees revere this lower chamber, recognizing its significance in the cyclic process of creation and renewal associated with the goddess’s annual menstruation.

  • Bhuvaneshvari Temple:

The Bhuvaneshvari Temple within the Kamakhya complex is dedicated to Goddess Bhuvaneshvari, another manifestation of the divine feminine. Pilgrims pay homage to this deity, seeking blessings for material prosperity and spiritual well-being.

Significance of Temple Chambers

  • Symbolism of the Yoni:

The Yoni-shaped stone in the Garbhagriha symbolizes the creative energy of the goddess. Devotees interpret this symbolism as the cosmic yoni, representing the cyclic nature of creation, sustenance, and dissolution. The sanctum becomes a focal point for meditation and spiritual contemplation.

  • Renewal during Ambubachi Mela:

The lower chamber, Calanta Kamakhya, gains prominence during the Ambubachi Mela. Devotees believe that the goddess undergoes a period of renewal during this time. Pilgrims flock to witness the sanctity of this process, viewing it as a powerful affirmation of fertility and the life-giving force of nature.

  • Bhuvaneshvari’s Blessings:

The Bhuvaneshvari Temple emphasizes the nurturing aspect of the divine feminine. Devotees seek the blessings of Goddess Bhuvaneshvari for stability, prosperity, and a harmonious existence. The chamber resonates with the energy of abundance and maternal care.

Puja List Within Kamakhya Temple Chambers

  • Ambubachi Mela Pujas:

During the Ambubachi Mela, a series of special pujas and rituals are conducted. The Naba Patrika Puja, where nine types of leaves symbolizing the goddess are worshipped, is a significant ritual. Devotees engage in meditation, fasting, and various spiritual practices to align themselves with the divine energies.

  • Daily Pujas in Garbhagriha:

Daily pujas within the Garbhagriha involve the chanting of mantras, offering of flowers, and the lighting of lamps. The priest performs the rituals with precision, invoking the goddess’s presence and seeking her divine blessings for the well-being of the devotees.

  • Bhuvaneshvari Temple Pujas:

Pujas in the Bhuvaneshvari Temple include traditional rituals dedicated to Goddess Bhuvaneshvari. Devotees offer prayers, flowers, and perform aarti, expressing their devotion and seeking the goddess’s blessings for prosperity and fulfillment.

Timings for Kamakhya Temple Chambers Visit

  • Regular Temple Timings:

Kamakhya Temple opens its doors to devotees and visitors during specific hours, allowing access to the Garbhagriha and other chambers. The regular timings may vary, and it is advisable to check the official schedule or local announcements for accurate information.

  • Ambubachi Mela Timings:

During the Ambubachi Mela, the temple has specific timings. Devotees plan their visits to witness the unique rituals associated with the goddess’s annual menstruation. The temple remains closed for three days during this auspicious period.

  • Bhuvaneshvari Temple Timings:

The Bhuvaneshvari Temple follows the regular schedule of the Kamakhya Temple. Devotees can visit this chamber during the designated hours to seek the blessings of Goddess Bhuvaneshvari.


  • General Entry and Darshan:

The general entry to Kamakhya Temple is usually free. Devotees can have darshan of the goddess in the Garbhagriha without any mandatory charges. However, the temple encourages voluntary donations to support its maintenance and charitable activities.

  • Special Pujas and Offerings:

For those seeking a more personalized experience, special pujas and offerings within the chambers may have associated costs. The charges can vary based on the nature and significance of the chosen puja. Devotees often willingly contribute as a gesture of devotion.

  • Donations and Contributions:

Kamakhya Temple relies on donations and contributions from devotees to sustain its spiritual services and community initiatives. Devotees are encouraged to make voluntary donations to support the temple’s ongoing activities and charitable endeavors.


The Kamakhya Temple is not just a religious landmark but also a symbol of the divine feminine energy. Its historical significance, unique rituals, and spiritual aura make it a must-visit destination for devotees and spiritual seekers alike. By understanding the puja list, costs, rituals, and timings, one can plan a fulfilling and enriching visit to this sacred abode of the Goddess Kamakhya.

This Is All About Kamakhya Temple Chambers History Significance   

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