Chamunda Mata Temple Jodhpur Timings History Entry Fees

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Chamunda Devi, the Isht Devi of the royal family, is claimed to be worshipped in the Chamunda Mata temple in Jodhpur. The southwest part of the Mehrangarh Fort houses this treasure trove. In 1460, Rao Jodha, the city’s founder, travelled to the former capital of Mandore to collect an idol of his personal deity, the goddess Chamunda Devi.

He built a temple to Chamunda Devi within Mehrangarh and she has been worshipped there ever since. During the Dussehra festival, many people from Jodhpur and the surrounding region make the pilgrimage to the city’s Fort to pray and pay their respects to the city’s deities.

Chamunda Mata Temple Jodhpur Timings History Entry Fees

When Rao Jodha built the Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, he also built a temple nearby. When the hermit was expelled from the hill where the fort was eventually built, he cursed the monarch, ensuring that the settlement would always remain parched. Therefore, the monarch decided to construct this stronghold atop the hill.

It is said that worship to Chamunda Devi, who is considered to be the Isht Devi of the royal line, takes place at the Chamunda Mata temple in Jodhpur. This treasure trove may be found in the section of the Mehrangarh Fort that is located to the southwest. In the year 1460, the city’s founder, Rao Jodha, made the journey to the previous capital of Mandore in order to retrieve an idol of the goddess Chamunda Devi, who served as his personal deity.

He constructed a temple dedicated to Chamunda Devi inside of Mehrangarh, and ever since then, she has been worshipped there. During the festival of Dussehra, a large number of people from Jodhpur and the surrounding area make the journey to the Fort in the city to worship and pay their respects to the deities that are associated with the city.

Chamunda Mata Temple Jodhpur Timings History Entry Fees

At addition to constructing the Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, Rao Jodha also constructed a temple in the area. The hermit swore vengeance against the king when he was forced to leave the hill where the fort would later be constructed, and as a result, the community has never been able to escape its dry climate. As a result, the king made the decision to erect this fortified residence atop the hill.

Rao Jodha, a Rajput leader and the then-current head of the Rathore clan, founded Jodhpur in 1459. As a consequence of his conquests, Jodha founded the kingdom that would become known as Marwar and ruled the region for a long time. The initial choice of Mandore as the capital of this kingdom was based on the fact that Jodha was born there. On the other hand, Jodhpur swiftly surpassed it, and it continued to do so throughout Jodha’s lifetime. The city’s strategic placement on the main trade route between Delhi and Gujarat helped it elevate its status. This allowed it to benefit from the booming trade in commodities like as opium, copper, silk, sandalwood, and dates.

After Rao Chandrasen Rathore’s death in 1581, Mughal Emperor Akbar took control of the kingdom of Marwar. From that point on, Marwar was a vassal state of the Mughals, paying tribute to them but retaining its independence. Jodhpur and its people benefited in a number of ways from its proximity to the outside world. These included the introduction of new forms of art and architecture, the creation of new channels of communication, and the creation of opportunities for local artisans to make their mark across northern India. Snapped in 1960, this photo features the Rajasthan High Court, the Sardar Museum in Umaid Park, and the Jodhpur Fort in the upper right corner.
After Maharaja Jaswant Singh’s death (about 1679), Aurangzeb temporarily took control of the realm.

However, the previous monarch, Maharaja Ajit Singh, was reinstalled to the throne by Veer Durgadas Rathore after a protracted fight lasting 30 years and Aurangzeb’s death in 1707. In 1707, Aurangzeb passed away. With the decline of Marwar and the subsequent invasion of the Marathas, the Mughals were rapidly replaced as the region’s dominant power.

After 1707, the Mughal empire began to crumble, but royal intrigue continued unabated in Jodhpur. Instead of profiting from the situation, Marwar became the beneficiary. This, however, did not result in calm or stability. The state’s finances had dried up after fifty years of fighting and treaties, so it created a secondary alliance with the British for financial aid. The Rathore rulers of Pali, led by Thakur Kushal Singh of Auwa, rose up in 1857 and caused a lot of trouble. However, the British Army led by Colonel Holmes was successful in wiping out the insurgents, and normalcy was quickly restored.

This Is All About Chamunda Mata Temple Jodhpur Timings History Entry Fees

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