Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival History

Learn More Details About The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival History, Prices, Timings, Sevas, Mythology, And More Information

Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival History, Prices, Sevas, And More

The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival is a revered tradition that honors the divine presence of Lord Ram and celebrates the profound impact of the Ramayana on Hindu culture and spirituality. The festival typically spans several days, during which devotees undertake parikramas or circumambulation of sacred sites associated with Lord Ram’s life and teachings. It serves as a spiritual journey of introspection, prayer, and devotion, fostering a deep sense of connection with the divine.

Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival History

Exploring the History and Significance:

The origins of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival can be traced back to ancient times, rooted in the rich mythology and traditions of Hinduism. According to legend, Lord Ram, accompanied by his consort Sita and brother Lakshman, embarked on a fourteen-year exile into the wilderness, enduring countless trials and tribulations along the way. The festival commemorates this epic journey, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness over evil and the enduring power of faith and devotion.

During the festival, devotees visit various sacred sites associated with Lord Ram’s exile, including Chitrakoot, Panchvati, and Kishkindha, retracing his footsteps and seeking blessings at each location. The parikramas are conducted with great reverence and devotion, with pilgrims chanting hymns, offering prayers, and performing rituals to honor Lord Ram’s divine presence.

Timings and Prices:

The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival typically takes place during the auspicious months of Chaitra (March-April) and Kartik (October-November), coinciding with significant events in the Hindu calendar such as Ram Navami and Diwali. The festival spans several days, with each day dedicated to specific rituals and celebrations.

As for prices, participating in the Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival is usually free of charge, with devotees welcome to join the festivities and partake in the sacred rituals without any monetary obligation. However, donations are often encouraged as a gesture of support for the temple and its ongoing activities.

Sevas and Rituals:

The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival offers devotees a plethora of sevas (religious offerings) and rituals to deepen their spiritual experience and seek divine blessings. Some of the common sevas and rituals performed during the festival include:

  • Abhishekam: A ceremonial bathing of the deity’s idol with sacred water, milk, honey, and other auspicious substances, symbolizing purification and devotion.
  • Aarti: An offering of light to the deity, accompanied by the chanting of hymns and prayers, to invoke divine blessings and dispel darkness.
  • Bhajans and Kirtans: Devotional songs and hymns sung in praise of Lord Ram, creating an atmosphere of spiritual fervor and divine communion.
  • Parikrama: Circumambulation of sacred sites associated with Lord Ram’s life and teachings, symbolizing devotion, surrender, and spiritual union.

Mythological Significance:

The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival is steeped in mythology and legend, drawing inspiration from the epic saga of the Ramayana and the divine exploits of Lord Ram. According to the Ramayana, Lord Ram, along with his consort Sita and brother Lakshman, embarked on a fourteen-year exile into the wilderness, traversing forests, mountains, and rivers in search of righteousness and truth. The festival commemorates this sacred journey, honoring the valor, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion of Lord Ram and his companions.

Facts and Interesting Tidbits:

  • The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival attracts millions of devotees from across India and around the world, making it one of the largest religious gatherings in the country.
  • The festival serves as a platform for cultural exchange and spiritual rejuvenation, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and communities to celebrate the universal message of love, compassion, and unity.
  • In addition to its religious significance, the Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival also contributes to the socio-economic development of Ayodhya, generating revenue for local businesses, artisans, and vendors.


The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas festival is a spiritual journey that encapsulates the essence of devotion, history, and mythology. It provides devotees with an opportunity to connect with Lord Ram, immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Ayodhya, and seek spiritual solace. The festival serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of Lord Ram and the values he represents – righteousness, compassion, and the triumph of good over evil.

As devotees undertake the parikrama, they not only honor the divine but also find solace, inspiration, and guidance in their own lives. The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas festival continues to be a cherished tradition, reminding us of the timeless teachings and eternal love of Lord Ram.

This Is All About The Ayodhya Ram Mandir Parikramas Festival History

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